Brakes Testing & Repairs

Your car breaks are the most safety critical part of your vehicle here at bromley garage Moston we take you and your families safety seriously
Our highly trained mechanics will make sure that any brake issue that comes into our garage will be repaired to a to the highest standard possible in accordance to your vehicle manufacturers specifications we will only use the highest quality replacement parts available so you will have the peace of mind that your vehicle will stop in any situation you face.
If you have any questions or would like peace of mind that your brakes have been checked over feel free to get in contact with us or come into our garage.
Common Brake issues to look out for with your vehicle.
- Squeaking or Squealing Noises If you hear a high-pitched or grinding noises when you applying the brakes, this could be a sign that the brake pads are worn out and need to be replaced.
- Grinding Sounds indicates that the brake pads are completely worn down, risking damaging the brake disks.
- Soft / Spongy or Unresponsive Brake Pedal If your brake pedal feels soft or sinks to the floor, may indicate an ABS issue OR worse an issue with the brake fluid or air in the lines this can be dangerous.
- Vibrating Steering Wheel When Braking can suggest that the Brake disks are warped and are in need of replacement.
- Brake Warning Light lit on your dashboard that indicates a fault to your brakes and should be addressed immediately.
- ABS Warning Light lit generally indicates an issue with the anti-lock braking system and should be addressed immediately..
- Brake Fluid Leaks If you notice fluid pooling under your vehicle or your paintwork is peeling around brake components this could mean there’s a leak in the brake system.
- Pulling to One Side when braking may indicate uneven wear on the brake pads or a problem with the braking system.
- Odd smells after braking, especially after extended use of the brakes, can be a sign of worn brake components.
- Increased Stopping Distance A noticeable increase in stopping distance can be a sign that your brakes worn or damaged and will need to be repairs also ABS could be malfunctioning.
- Locked Wheels during sudden braking, it can indicate a failure in the ABS system or poor road survive like black ice.
- Brakes Feel Different, If you feel unusual vibrations or pulsing in the brake pedal while stopping could indicate an issue and its worth getting it checked out.
If you have weak Brakes or No Brakes it is not worth continue your journey, at Bromley Garage Moston we can recover of your vehicle and provide the necessary repairs to ensure your vehicle brakes are safe and operational again. Please contact us for assistance
Bromley Garage Moston is here to get you back on the road
We are here to fix your vehicle No job is too big or too small we will fix it at Bromley garage Moston. Our trained car mechanics are happy to help you in anyway we can. Our level of customer service and satisfaction is second to none, resulting in our customers keep coming back again and again
For more information please Contact Bromley Garage Moston or call on 0161 277 9333 or 0797 108 7311 and we will be happy to help you.